God Bless San Bernardino

By: Nicholas Ventrone, Community Engagement Director

I have a transit briefing written up as we commence the final month of 2015. However, because of the terrible shooting incident that occurred in San Bernardino, I will table that post until next week.

This act of terror with a potential connection to ISIS took place Wednesday at the Inland Regional Center. It was broadcasted all over the news media at the national level. The press inundated us with the bad news. As authorities and government officials continue to solve this case, we should remember all of the people who passed on, their family members, and those who are hospitalized.

With terrorism now entering into the Inland Empire, I believe We the People may be finally woken up to this grave crisis. There's a lot to debate from the story of how we should move forward with proactive preventative measures and how it relates to the transit system. But for now, we citizens need to spend the next few days remembering those who gone before us in this incident and allow the authorities to uncover the facts.

Talk to you next week.
