Los Angeles Transit in Trouble

Written by: Bart Reed, Executive Director 

To all our transit supporters and friends: We need your help financially. Transit in LA is in trouble. And rallying to fight the problems needs full-time attention. Look at the Orphan Transit Projects and the Part-Time Bus Service where workers can't get to a majority of job shifts.

Every day and night we go out to meetings, give presentations, train students, research and develop written documentation and do all the work you'd like to do, but don't have time. We are your voice. We are the community activists. But to do our work, we need your contributions.

Every week, there are a variety of meetings where the community shows up to oppose Orphan Projects such as High-Speed Rail and Metro Double-Track Safety Projects. Other Orphan transit projects and systems are ignored and in trouble such as the Downtown LA Streetcar, Angels Flight and the San Pedro Streetcar. Metro relentlessly trims bus service, making it largely unusable. We document and expose these shortcomings and educate the elected officials. And we need your help.

Some Community Opponents strongly believe they can stop a Metro Double Track Safety project on the LOSSAN rail corridor, which is the second busiest in the United States. We counter by showing up to provide officials with the transit perspective, rather than the Opponents hidden agenda We need some donations to help fund the battle. You can contribute here.

The Transit Coalition is a non-profit public charity exempt from federal income tax under Section 501[c](3) of the Internal Revenue Service. Tax-deductible donations to maintain the website, print materials, organize campaigns, and pay office rent are welcomed. 
