Transportation Tips: Vote Tuesday, June 3

By: Nicholas Ventrone, Community Engagement Director

Voting and serving on a jury are two civic duties given to United States citizens as means to participate in our democracy. We all have an opportunity to vote on Tuesday for the June 3, 2014 Consolidated Primary Election. All kinds of campaign literature and signs are out there all over the Inland Empire in an attempt to get your vote. Don't let the political ads taint your vote. Take the time to evaluate each candidate running for an office and each proposition impartially. Pick the ones that you believe will solve our problems in a fair and just way. 

Being a non-profit charity, The Transit Coalition cannot endorse or recommend any specific candidate for you. We collect donations and receive support from many individuals and groups with all kinds of differing views and solutions on matters outside of transit-related policies and we must respect those viewpoints. That means it will be up to each and every one of us to take an in-depth look at the present-day issues and the hard facts and make the selections accordingly. Consider basing your vote on the issues and facts, not ideology.

Cast a ballot this Election Day.
