Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving

California may be mired in countless problems with its transit system but we also have much to be thankful for, especially our constitutional freedom and liberty to express our opinion. The transit system throughout the region has improved throughout the years and it took a lot of work and sacrifice to get where we are today. With the countless blessings and constitutional rights that we now enjoy, Southern California will one day be one of the finest places of this earth. We are very thankful for this and much work still needs to be done in order to perfect the system. Meanwhile, let's take this time to celebrate and give thanks for what we already have.

If you are traveling, please remember to be extra careful on the highways and give yourself plenty of extra time. Be patient. The roads, airlines, trains, and buses will be very busy this weekend. Be especially careful and patient if you plan on shopping anytime this weekend. As you may know, the major retailers will be packed. If you happen to be working in the retail sector and are cut short from the Thanksgiving festivities, be sure to schedule at least a full day with your family sometime after the weekend and share some meals together; you deserve to celebrate this time of Thanksgiving too. From all of us at The Transit Coalition, have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving and we'll talk to you again on Tuesday.
