by: Nicholas Ventrone, Community Engagement Director
Metrolink Perris Valley Line
Anybody know what's holding up the Perris Valley Line? I've been hearing from various inside sources that some additional updates have to be done, but I received no confirmed specifics from official sources other than the predicted launch date has been bumped to mid-2016.
I'm suspecting unnecessary government bureaucracy is the hold up, but I could be wrong. You may remember that two years ago in 2014, Phase I of the French Valley Parkway offramp at the Temecula/Murrieta border was built in January but its opening was held up for months by red tape simply because the construction contractor erected non-compliant signs and didn't stripe the lanes properly which could have easily been addressed within a week under a streamlined regulatory process. The ramp did not open to the public until April, three months after construction was finished.
Whatever is holding up PVL operations should be dealt with as soon as possible. Once open, it will be a tremendous asset for regional mobility. But let's knock off the phony red tape and get some efficiency in regulatory oversight with our transit infrastructure.
Also from various anonymous sources, I've been hearing that the social environment in and around the Riverside Downtown Terminal has become rather rough with criminal activity plaguing the area.
The bus station is slated to be decommissioned by 2017 as a smaller transfer point is being developed next to the Riverside Downtown Metrolink Station for key routes including Route 1. The remaining lines can be accessed through upgraded street-side bus stops in the downtown area.
It's been a while since I've done a field study at this central hub point to confirm all of the belly-aching, but based on other supporting crime reports, I believe the testimony to be true. I predict many workers who commute by bus avoid the Downtown Terminal area for that very reason. The current bus station is on the northwestern edge of Downtown Riverside and a number of the connecting inner-city neighborhoods are troubled, especially the Eastside. That makes nearby crowded areas which includes the Downtown Terminal prime spots for abusive conduct, illegal drug sales, theft, and potentially serious violent criminal activity. Plus, complaints posted on Facebook could be showing that the existing security presence needs to be far-improved at this hub with better trained guards.

This is all preventable from the power structure because the City of Riverside and the affected county agencies can stop this simply by designating the high-crime blocks which includes the terminal as safety zones and hiring additional law enforcement, highly trained security guards for the station and placing undercover officers there. Top that off by expanding the citizen's role in proactive prevention tactics such as neighborhood watch, restorative justice, pro-family growth programs, and other volunteer opportunities. That would greatly cut down on crime at the existing bus station until its time runs its course next year. Then, additional officers, security forces, and citizen community action patrols would be transferred over to the Eastside so that the Metrolink station and the new bus transfer point do not end up becoming the next haven for such crime.
That's something that must be planned and put into action. Plus, ridding Riverside of such bad behavior also pretty much solves the controversy of opening up additional public restrooms throughout downtown. The Transit Coalition does not want our transit stations to be criminal hubs. We do not want bus riders using either of Riverside's central bus stations to be victims of bad happenings.
91 Express Lanes in Riverside County
In addition, a couple of Fastrak toll antenna collection points are going up. I saw one just west of the I-15 interchange. The other is just east of the Highway 71. The antennas near the 71 will have a separate 3+ carpool lane simply marked as "HOV 3+ ONLY". I was hoping that switchable transponders would be used instead of the single 3+ lane since OCTA, TCA, and LA Metro all offer such transponders. That would reduce bottlenecking and lane weaving at the toll collection point as evidenced on the Orange County side during the afternoon rush hour.
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Riverside County 91 Express Lanes Toll Rate Sign Note: Peak toll rates shown are concept only and have not been released by RCTC. |
Once the toll bond is fully paid off, The Transit Coalition will call for the transponder mandate and discounted afternoon peak hour tolls to be abolished for all 3+ HOV's, rendering the 91 Express Lanes for both counties a dual 3-person carpool lane each way with the FasTrak toll buy-in option for non-HOV's during peak times. The 3-person minimum would be in place during rush hours, summer weekends and holidays for toll-free travel, 2-persons other times.
Non-carpools would be able to continue to use the lanes for the posted toll if capacity permits. Law enforcement would control all carpool and toll payment cheating with heavy fines and points for deliberate violations.
91 Express Lanes and Corona Transit Center Connectivity
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Concept: RTA CommuterLink 206 on I-15 Express Lanes in Wildomar Note: Concept only. Not endorsed by any public entity. |
Perhaps backtracking to McKinley Avenue via Hidden Valley Parkway might be the best interim solution until the state and feds finally decide to pay for this direct connection, preferably via a direct access ramp, let alone the remainder of the debt.
Local officials should not let this one go.
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