Here are some of the proposed highlights:
Late night bus service on high-demand routes, reinstating service on major holidays, RTA's Travel Training impact on paratransit service, closing transit gaps between regions, and updates on RTA's comprehensive operational analysis study.
Stay tuned to this Blog this week for detailed commentary. Do you have an opinion for RTA's SRTP? Let RTA know during its public hearing period and post your views in the comments below.
Public Hearing Period:
RTA proposed to its Board to open a public hearing period during the agency's Board meeting on May 23 at 3 p.m. at the Riverside County Administration Center, Board of Supervisors Chambers, 4080 Lemon Street, First Floor, in Riverside. RTA will close the comment period at the June 27 RTA Board meeting. RTA will accept comments at the meetings, by phone at (951) 565-5002, emailed to, or sent via standard mail to 1825 Third Street, Riverside, CA 92507. RTA has requested that the public address comments to the Director of Planning.
The SRTP will be one of three public hearing items. RTA will also gather public comments for proposed changes to its Dial-a-Ride no-show policy and the agency's Title VI Policies and Plans. Once again, stay tuned to this Blog for detailed commentary.
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